Explore more effective integrative work through connection and healing at all levels: psychological, emotional, physical, relational and spiritual. As these aspects are intrinsically linked, they should be treated as a whole. Ignoring a symptom in any one of these aspects can cause one to be out of balance.
Body-focused services offer a creative and integrative process which synthesizes some of what can be found to be the most helpful and effective innovations in the fields of psychotherapy, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual integration.
Holistic and systemic services are offered at The Path To Well-Being in Manassas, VA, and help to address the pain, dis-ease, rupture, trauma, or chronic stress we can hold on to. Processing and resolving in order to go forward has great power to heal, balance, and release our potential.
Cherish the uniqueness of each individual, knowing what works for one person may not work for another.
Marriage counseling or couples therapy provides therapeutic approaches that can be used on their own or in conjunction with other wellness modalities. The Path To Well-Being is invested in helping you create a plan for connection, healing and change that is tailored to your unique needs. Signup at thepathtowell-being.com.